22 Jan

 With the witchy mummy, there is always a guide in which it always is a collection of courses in which it always supports someone in the spiritual journey. With this one can either be new in the practice or one can be a seasoned witch and with the courses, they always lead someone to discover some new ideas and also techniques in which one can always practice. One of the courses in this guide is the green witch living and with this it makes one connect with the earth magick. It is designed in a way that one can connect with the plants either for the healing part or for the transformation part. It is always created in a way that one is to align themselves with the world that is around them well. Do check out everyday magick options. 

When one has an instructor they always help someone to embrace your inner witch in that it inspires you through the spirit work, the plant allies and we also have your spirit discovery. We also have a beginners guide to energy and with this one should always understand that energy is power, and it is also the life force that flows right within and also around us. One is supposed to learn on how to create a change that is very meaningful and with this one can use the power of energy. With this one is able to discover the energy that is always around you, and how one can manifest their goals well. One is also able to use the energy to fuel the spells and also the rituals well. You'll want to find a course now

We also have the gift of a clear feeling and with this, it is also called the clairsentience and it is one of the abilities that one possess. With this one is able to read peoples situations well, the environments, and also one is also able to read the past, present and also the future very well. One can also use witchcraft in our everyday lives and with this one is able to create change and also be able to elaborate your ritual. One can enchant a cup of tea, this is one way of having an everyday ritual, one can also wash away the negative and also dress with the intention. One can also make sure that they look for the signs well and also cook up for the magick, having a nature walk is another thing that one can do. Dreaming up with the spirits and also washing away the vibes can be done as part of the everyday magick. Also, here are some tips for beginner witches: https://youtu.be/yyyK5oPlnjU

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